Each and every being has an

innate ability to heal

as a gift from

the Gods

Mikao Usui


Maggie Bergami

Reiki Practitioner


Open hands healing heart

“Our body, mind, emotions, spirit and physical energy are all interconnected. Reiki healing reaches all levels and restores balance.”


Maggie is an extremely intuitive, professional, loving, sensitive and caring person

I have been having Reiki treatments with Maggie for 12 years now. For me it has been life changing. My experience of Reiki is that it is deeply nurturing, peaceful and it relieves my stress and it rebalances me physically, emotionally and spiritually. I absolutely love it! I feel calmer, happier and in touch with my emotions. Both the Reiki and Maggie help to give me some perspective on what is currently happening in my life which is really wonderful. I find that Reiki can help release the mental chatter I have which helps me feel mentally clearer afterwards. The sense of feeling more peaceful is profound and I feel really positive and happier after a session. I suffer from some physical conditions with my tummy, migraines and fibromyalgia and I have found that the Reiki helps settle these conditions especially if I am in a flare. 

Maggie is an extremely intuitive, professional, loving, sensitive and caring person who is committed to assisting people through the practice of Reiki I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone that would like to experience Reiki.  


I could feel Maggie's hands weaving a healing dance through my body

Over the years I have experienced both hands on and distance Reiki with Maggie. I have felt great benefit from both. Maggie is a very gifted healer. One of the last times I attended in presence I was exhausted and very overwhelmed. A few hours before the session I remember thinking, that soon I will be laying down on Maggie’s table and all will be well, and it was. 

I lay there and all that was ailing me dissolved and for that hour or so I was transported to a very peaceful place. I could feel Maggies hands weaving a healing dance through my body. At the end of the session Maggie shared what she saw, what was transmitted to her. I felt comforted in the words, the message was very clear. I left feeling rejuvenated and ready to go on,  but now with more resources than I had before. 


A Grounding and Healing Presence

Maggie brings a grounding and healing presence to her work. After each Reiki session with her I feel refreshed and clear minded, with a deeper sense of integration and connection. Her sessions help me find quiet strength within.



Maggie could see the “psychic shock” damage from the fall

Recently I had a very traumatic accident falling off a ladder backwards with injuries to my knee that were substantial and required extensive surgery. Maggie performed Reiki before during and after the surgery and provided an incredible amount of healing and insight, not only into the operation and outcome but my ongoing healing. Through her Reiki masters Maggie could see the “psychic shock” damage from the fall, to the ambulance arriving and finally the operation. Not only the trauma to my body but also my anima and soul. She described the theatre surroundings and operation process without any prior knowledge. I was stunned. She could see the pink blood vessels and cells doing their healing in the area of the ligaments. After the operation she saw a lot of healing to the ligaments, the pink blood vessels and cells were all doing their part, and the white light “pumping up” the remainder of the meniscus, trying to protect what was left. Since the initial sessions Maggie has been absolutely spot on relating what the Reiki masters have told her. She continues to work on my knee, assisting in my recovery and encourages me to let my body heal and not rush the process but rather make friends with my leg instead of being in conflict with it. I have absolute faith in Maggie’s skills and certainly highly recommend her.



I felt so Safe and Secure

I have been most fortunate to experience Maggie’s Reiki practice. My anxiety started to settle the moment I was greeted by Maggie and her warm and genuine welcome to her beautiful, calming Reiki space. I felt so safe and secure in her hands with her gentle, wise and intuitive approach. It was a very grounding and empowering experience and I noticed my anxiety had left me by the end of the session. Thank you Maggie from the bottom of my heart.  


The 5 principles of Reiki

Just for today do not worry

Just for today do not be angry

Honour you parents, teachers and elders

Earn your living honestly

Show gratitude to every living thing

“Reiki invites you to surrender and meet yourself in a deep way”

Book a Session Today


+61 425 701 411


Victoria, Austalia