About Me

My Story

I initially heard about Reiki through friends who had experienced its benefits. I was intrigued to learn more. Underpinning seeking my own healing, was a desire to help others and be of service and assistance in the wider community. 


In 2009 I enrolled with a Reiki Master to teach me Level 1 followed by Level 2 Reiki the same year. I practised Reiki daily for months on myself, and then began treating my closest friends and family. When our family dog was severely injured with a broken leg in a car accident, I gave her Reiki every day for a few weeks and noticed that she was limping less and soon pain free. My friends remarked that they felt rejuvenated and peaceful after treatments. In 2011 I volunteered for six months in a hospice giving treatments to the elderly. I have been treating clients coming to me through word of mouth for the last 12 years. I have also done many distance Reiki treatments to people in Melbourne and friends abroad, receiving feedback that they have felt the calming and healing effects on their bodies.


In late 2011 I travelled to Japan and visited Mt Kurama where Mikao Usui, following 21 days of meditation and fasting on his last day, received the Reiki symbols and teaching of how to give Reiki to others. It was a powerful experience for me to be walking in the very place where Mikao Usui attained the knowledge of Reiki’s healing properties.

About the


“Reiki is universal energy of love and healing, always working for our good”

Reiki treats the whole person – heart, mind, emotions and body. It is practised through the gentle, restful laying of hands on specific positions of the body including the head, torso and other areas that need special attention, while the person is fully clothed.

If one’s energy is low, then we are more likely to feel stress which could result in sickness, depression and anxiety and if high we are more capable of being happy, healthy and stronger. Reiki assists in balancing, releasing and grounding our energy so that we can feel more positive and motivated and promotes healing of physical ailments when combined with western methods of treatment.

During a Reiki treatment I see symbolic images that allow me to look into the body and I also receive intuitive knowledge of any blocks that may be occurring, which inhibit a healthy flow of energy. Reiki assists the body to release these blocks and return the optimum flow of energy. I intuitively gain some insight into what the person is feeling on a deeper level that is causing an imbalance, and I receive guidance to assist the person release unhelpful long held emotional pain.

Benefits of Reiki for you include

Brings you emotional and spiritual healing

Alleviates worries and brings a sense of calm to your mind

Brings complete relaxation allowing your body to let go of physical tension

De-stresses your body and helps promote optimal functioning of your organs

Brings serenity and peace to your emotions, lifting the mood

Refreshes your body, restoring it’s natural vitality

About Reiki

REIKI meaning Universal Life Energy was founded in the 1920’s by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese monk and lay Buddhist teacher whose focus of teaching was on healing and benefiting humankind. 

Following many years of study Mikao Usui established a modality of treatment to enhance the body’s natural healing. The aim of Mikao Usui’s teachings was to provide a method to his students to connect with the universal life energy that would help them and their overall health and self-development. Mikao taught how blockages in the body’s energy system are treated, restoring energy levels and thus enhancing the healing capacity of the body to promote wellbeing.  

Mikao Usui established two clinics near Tokyo and treated thousands of people during his lifetime. As the Grand Master of Reiki his teachings were passed onto 16 of his senior students and from this beginning Reiki has spread worldwide. 

Mikao Usui developed five Reiki Principles for his students

Just for today do not worry

Just for today do not anger

Honour your parents, teachers and elders

Earn your living honesty

Show gratitude to every living thing

Reiki promotes emotional and physical healing based on the understanding that universal life force energy flows through us and connects everything. A Reiki healer acts as a conduit for this energy through hands-on and distance methods, allowing the energy to focus on where it is most needed. 

Book a Session Today



Victoria Australia


+61 425 701 411